Guinea pigs make wonderful pets, loved by their owners. Guinea pig pictures and information on guinea pig care, guinea pig food, guinea pig toys, guinea pig sounds here on my blog, and of course photos of Skittles, our photogenic pet guinea pig.

Guinea Pig Care Funny Facts

In nature, guinea pigs hunt out and consume grasses as their primary dietary staple. However, grass does not digest easily to release its nutrients. Some of nature's grass eaters, like cows, try using very large and long digestive tracts or chew their cud. But what about cute little lovable guinea pigs? They cannot have a 10 foot long intestine after all.

Instead guinea pigs use a much more astounding technique. They eat their own feces ... uh that's right poop. However, not just any old poop. They are highly selective. Instead they eat special feces, called "cecotropes" , which are not the same thing as regular feces. Good, that makes me feel a lot better. These poop pellets contain B vitamins and bacteria required for complete digestion of grass . Interestingly, rabbits do the same thing.

So, if you ever see your guinea pig eating poop, be pleased ;) .

1 comment:

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