Guinea pigs make wonderful pets, loved by their owners. Guinea pig pictures and information on guinea pig care, guinea pig food, guinea pig toys, guinea pig sounds here on my blog, and of course photos of Skittles, our photogenic pet guinea pig.

Guinea Pig Food and Fun

When Skittles can't go outside, we like to bring some of the outdoors in. Guinea pigs chew in order to keep their teeth trim and healthy. Since their teeth don't fall out, they will keep growing and growing unless they have something to gnaw on. Imagine that, guinea pig tusks ...

A favorite chew toy for our pig is a fruit tree twig - especially citrus. Lemon, orange and grapefruit twigs are all great. Skittles loves to chew the bark off the branches and then he carries around the stick, shaking it and generally having a good time.


Kara said...

I had a Skittles...she died two days ago from pnuemonia. It's the worst thing that's ever happened to me...I can't stop crying. She was such a sweetheart...

Unknown said...

I found that keeping your guiena pig's teeth trimmed down is one of the hardest things when looking after my guinea pigs, as this usually leads to frustration and an inability to eat. I have found lots over the internet which claim to have the best answers and after looking for a while I found one article which did seem to sum it all up, if you're interested look here