Guinea pigs make wonderful pets, loved by their owners. Guinea pig pictures and information on guinea pig care, guinea pig food, guinea pig toys, guinea pig sounds here on my blog, and of course photos of Skittles, our photogenic pet guinea pig.

Guinea Pig Food Tips - Hay

Guinea pigs love hay, and need it in their diet. One of the first things we did after taking Skittles (our pig) home from the pet store was go out and buy a hay hopper and mini (and I mean really small) bale of hay.

Hay carries a lot of benefit not available from food pellets alone, especially dietary fiber. By "hay" I'm referring to grass type of hay, not alfalfa, which you also see in pet stores sometimes. Alfalfa is rich in calcium, and should be fed to adult guinea pigs in more moderate amounts. The reason is the adult pigs are susceptible to dietary imbalance between calcium and potassium, which can result in kidney or bladder stones.

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fashionbugg said...
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Maryleigh said...

This page is really interesting! I have two guinea pigs. Cookie and Crystal. I think your guinea pig is so cute! xx

Yszah P. said...

could you please email me? i have two guinea hihih.. i need som help this is my email im from philippines