Guinea pigs make wonderful pets, loved by their owners. Guinea pig pictures and information on guinea pig care, guinea pig food, guinea pig toys, guinea pig sounds here on my blog, and of course photos of Skittles, our photogenic pet guinea pig.

More Guinea Pig Games

Guinea pigs love to play games, especially Pretty Pretty Princess. As you can see, they are very talented at it and like to win.

The loved and lovable champion retires.

Guinea Pig Food and Fun

When Skittles can't go outside, we like to bring some of the outdoors in. Guinea pigs chew in order to keep their teeth trim and healthy. Since their teeth don't fall out, they will keep growing and growing unless they have something to gnaw on. Imagine that, guinea pig tusks ...

A favorite chew toy for our pig is a fruit tree twig - especially citrus. Lemon, orange and grapefruit twigs are all great. Skittles loves to chew the bark off the branches and then he carries around the stick, shaking it and generally having a good time.

The Great Outdoors (Maybe)

Now that the weather is warm, we decided to let our indoor guinea pig pet have some outside time. His cage allows you to take off the wire "top" so I've been putting him outside with his furry feet in the grass and the cage on top. Guinea pigs actually can live outdoors, but they are subject to drafts and heat so if you do decide to make an outdoor home, make sure there is a warm and protected house and shade.

You should also think about what else lives outside. In some areas, there may be local predators - from stray cats, to hawks and owls in our area and a nice, sweet, lovable, furry guinea pig would make a nice fat feast, or at least an appetizer for these predators.

Small mesh size on a an outdoor enclosure also is recommended. Here's one reason why: One day a few hours after I took Skittles back inside, I saw a colorful snake crawling through the grass. Fortunately, it wasn't a rattlesnake, but it was a rat snake. Another creature that eats rodents. Maybe it thought there was a tasty rodent, but this guinea pig would have been the biggest, fattest rodent it ever ran into.

P.s. Don't worry, this little snake never could have gotten his mouth around my fat piggie but I bet Skittles wouldn't have appreciated him trying!