Guinea pigs make wonderful pets, loved by their owners. Guinea pig pictures and information on guinea pig care, guinea pig food, guinea pig toys, guinea pig sounds here on my blog, and of course photos of Skittles, our photogenic pet guinea pig.

This is Skittles. He joined our family on December 21st and a week later we are all members of his herd. We wanted a pet for our 5 year old but for one reason or another decided against a cat or dog so we decided on a guinea pig. He's been a great choice!

My husband has been pleasantly surprised by how verbal he is. Skittles greets us and purrs and squeeks happily while sitting in our laps.

Our 5 year old is learning how to be gentle with animals and is eager to feed him breakfast every morning. She even understands how he needs a mixture of different foods (grains and greens) in order to be healthy. (Though this doesn't stop her from trying to offer him tastes of some of her favorite foods including fortune cookies!)